
Your donation is much appreciated and will help support the global efforts of the Appeal of Conscience Foundation, a 501c3 organization, to provide mutual acceptance, peace, and interreligious cooperation.

Donor Privacy Policy

The Appeal of Conscience Foundation is committed to respecting the privacy of its financial donors, whether the donation is made online, by mail or any other method. We use industry standard safeguards to protect your information. We protect the security of credit card transactions using measures including encryption, access controls, network firewalls and physical security. Checks and Credit card information is not retained by the organization after it has been processed. We do not sell, share or trade our donor’s names or personal information with any other entity, nor send mailings to our donors on behalf of other organizations. For more information on the Appeal of Conscience Foundation’s privacy policy or privacy questions or concerns please email us at

Updated November 2020


Personal Info

Donation Total: $50,000.00