
The Appeal of Conscience Foundaton’s Fellowship programs for the next generation stress the importance of advancing peaceful co-existence and people to people relations. Currently, the Foundation is working in tandem with the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations encouraging Respect the Other in the curriculum at an early age to foster unity at times of division and conflict.

January 1, 1984

ACF Sponsors the first Chinese Scholars to Study in United States

ACF Sponsors the first Chinese Scholars to Study in United States. Mr. Yan Changyou and..Read More

January 1, 1991

1991 Establishment of the ACF Gorbachev Scholar Programs

1991 Establishment of the ACF Gorbachev Scholar Programs

The Scholarship program, established after the fall of Communism, was created in President Mikhail Gorbachev’s,..Read More

February 27, 2006

Doha, Qatar – Creation Of Scholars’ Panel On Media And Religion

In the wake of the international crisis following the publication of cartoons satirizing the Prophet..Read More

June 6, 2006

New York – Appeal Issues Plea Over Danish Cartoons

The Appeal of Conscience Foundation (ACF) is concerned about the Danish cartoon controversy. We strongly..Read More

February 15, 2018

Establishment of the Annual Fellowship On Inter-Religious Cooperation And Conflict Resolution

Establishment of the Annual Fellowship On Inter-Religious Cooperation And Conflict Resolution

The Appeal Of Conscience Foundation Established A Fellowship On Inter-Religious Cooperation And Conflict Resolution At..Read More