Interfaith Delegations

Since it’s founding in 1965, the Appeal of Conscience Foundation has lead and hosted interfaith delegations to the United States and worldover to encourage the active engagement of religious leaders in advancing peaceful co-existence and mutual understanding.

January 1, 1966

1st ACF Interfaith Group to Leningrad and Moscow. Jewish community at Moscow Choral Synagogue

10,000 prayer books and religious calendars for the Jewish Community requested and paid for by..Read More

January 2, 1966
December 9, 1967

Appeal of Conscience Delegation to Spain

“December 9-14, 1967” ACF interfaith delegation meets with officials in Spain regarding the challenges of..Read More

June 1, 1970
July 22, 1970

ACF first delegation to Belfast and Dublin Ireland followed by meetings in London

Rabbi Arthur Schneier, Ambassador Duke, Father Campion, Dr. David HC Read established relationships with religious..Read More

August 27, 1970

ACF Delegation travels to Romania for Relief of flood-stricken regions.

August 27-31, 1970 Met with President Nicolae Ceausescu regarding concerns of flood. The committee recommended..Read More

December 1, 1971

ACF brings delegation from USSR to US

Delegation Members include: MetropolitanNikodim of Leningrad and Novograd; VP Aliabkarov of Muslim Organizations in USSR;..Read More

June 21, 1972
June 1, 1974

ACF Delegation to USSR. ACF negotiates the study of 10 more rabbinical students in Hungary to later return to USSR after their studies

Rabbi Arthur Schneier and Father Thurston Davis, SJ. The agreement of the 10 students addresses..Read More

June 1, 1975