ACF’s 31st Annual Seminar On Religious Life

Appeal of Conscience Foundation in cooperation with the Foreign Service Institute presented the 31st Annual Seminar entitled “Resurgence of Religion as a Factor in International Relations” at the U.S. Department of State Foreign Service Institute. The seminar offers Foreign Service Officers valuable insight on issues of international religious freedom prior to their overseas assignments. More than 1500 students and faculty participated in the day-long event, highlighted by keynote speaker Secretary of State, The Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Diplomatic panelists included Hon. Beth Jones, Hon. Kathleen Stephens, Hon. Stephen A. Sache and Mr. Daniel A. Russell. Religious panelists included H.E. Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick, The Reverend Dr. Fred R. Anderson, The Reverend Father Mark Arey and Imam Yahya Hendi.

L to R: Dr. Ruth A. Whiteside, The Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton and Rabbi Arthur Schneier